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Pre-Production How are you going to do it?

We are not ready to code yet! Set up a methodology. Methodology is a big word for roadmap. It specifies what steps you will take, and in what order, to get where you want to go. Without a step-by-step Web Production Methodology you could easily get lost and cost yourself a lot of grief and money.

Based on the decisions you made while going through i-Commerce Solutions' planning sessions you are ready to define the look and feel of the site. From the storyboard developed in the Content process, technological requirements can be determined.

Do you need shopping carts, complex databases, search capabilities? The final step before the production phase is to decide how you will meet those needs.

Frankly, this is all very complicated and i-Commerce Solutions advises you just to call us. We'll take care of the whole process for you.

Web site creation requires skill and talent. There are many programs that automate code but a little technology can be a dangerous thing. Frequently the enthusiastic novice overuses design elements and produces a dizzying array of flashing lights and speeding objects, which detract from the all-important content of the site. Another common mistake is the use of large graphic files that take too long to download. Surfers are notoriously impatient and are likely to move on to a more user-friendly site.

Make sure that none of your products or services are more than 2 clicks away. Visitors may tire of the search and make that final deadly exit click before they've found what they are looking for.

Of course, price is an important consideration when you are planning your site. There are thousands of products out there.


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